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Document Number: 18

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CC-2601: Unable to open/parse client certificate file.

What to do:
  1. Log into your Cart Administration.
  2. Go to "Cart Settings".
  3. In step #4, Payment/Gateway Settings, verify that the Gateway Configuration is correct and complete.
    • You may not have successfully uploaded your "PEM Certificate" into the administration area.
    • You may have the cart in "Test Mode". It needs to be in "Normal Mode".

Why is Test Mode a problem?
Test Mode can be a problem because linkpoint uses two servers and for the cart to work correctly in Test Mode you must be on their staging server.

Note: To use Test Mode with Linkpoint you need to call LinkPoint Support @ 1-800-456-5989 EXT 4100 and verify that you are set up on their staging server. Please note that their staging server is a separate server.
You can be set up on the live server without being set up on their staging server.

An Alternate Test:
If you upload "PEM Certificate" in Normal Mode you can test the gateway configuration using these Credit card test numbers.